The amazing series of films-exhibitions on art, history of painting and prominent artists of different epoques, with unique content and concept. Despite the fact that Cool Connections never dub their films, we were asked to provide Russian dubbing for this project, for you to be fully concentrated on the beatiful visual content.

We arranged voice casting, recording actos and audio post-production, including 5.1 mixing.

Due to copyright protection reasons we can not demonstrate dubbed versions, but you can have a quick glance at the preview trailers of some of these films.

View Project

Hızlı bağlantılar:

İrtibat noktaları:

  • +998 90 814 6750

  • info@cmrecords.agency

  • Uzbekistan, Tashkent, 12 Zulfiyahanum Street, ALFA BUSINESS CENTER, 4 floor, GMD


+998 90 814 6750